The Pursuit of Green

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Two posts in one week...that's right!
So Noel finally broke me down after weeks of asking me (literally) for money to buy new shoes...she got a new pair :)
Ok, so do you know about Toms yet?
Here's how it works, you buy a pair of Toms shoes and a child in need somewhere also gets a pair of shoes! GENIUS idea right?!
If you want to know more about the Toms Movement <-----check it out.
Even better they are super super cute shoes.
So using a bit of our tax refund, Noels tiny toes have been adorned with this adorable shoes!
I should also add, they are made really well! Nice leather soles...words from Noel..'comfy'
[note they do run mostly true to size but appear small at first as they are made to stretch out a bit, the website talks about this]

Ok so now if we're talking about good causes how about mommy getting a pair of Toms
Anyway...cute shoes + great cause = awesomeness!

In other good news take a look at these beautiful blooms!

My orchid has 5...count 'em FIVE new flowers!!! and lots more buds.. H E L L O spring!

Keeping this post as random as possible and to wrap it up....
Two nights ago, I was doing my good need of putting my dish sponge in the micro to sterilize the thing. Which I might add I typically do for 1 min. I remembered my dad mentioning something about putting it in for 3 min. to do this..
[enter thought process] my pump parts go in their little 'steam clean' bag for 3 min. to sterilize, maybe my dad has something going here?!
so popped that sucker in there for 3 min....cooked to a black crisp... fail
now my microwave smells like burnt sponge...double fail...

oh well...p.s. I gave up complaining for's not going so well ;0)

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