The Pursuit of Green

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

working out

Post 3: Things that make me happy

I read somewhere, probably on Pinterest...

"I never regret doing it, but I always regret not doing it."

This is exactly what motivates me each morning.

Some of my motivators.

  • The way I feel after a workout
  • The fact I have a healthy body that is capable of working out
  • Boosts all kinds of happy brain chemicals
  • Being an example for my kids (even though I am asked why I work out in my PJs when the other fit people on my DVD are wearing cute spandex-or why I am breathing so hard)
  • Understanding my athletes @ work

just to name a few.

It had been a while since I had worked out. From the 9-ish months of trying to have baby one, each month not knowing if there was a baby and how much activity I could do.
Then there was of course, pregnancy & lack of energy from nursing...then SURPRISE we were almost 3 months pregnant & I was nursing (aha moment of why I had no energy).
So then...pregnancy & nursing again.
Then having two infants and trying to find a time or even a place to work out.
The gym cost money-and I surely pay enough in student loans to know I have the background to do my own planning.

So came January, a time of renewing ourselves. I will hesitate to call this a resolution, but maybe it was.
I decided I was going to do something, because a little something was better than nothing!

So here is what I have finally found works for me.
I began by finding some great exercises from Pinterest & from personal experience of working out in the past-oh and that I have a degree in exercise science helps :)
From Jan-March I did this about 3 times/week. Waking up before the girls-which was NOT easy & did not always work. Therefore I sometimes squeezed this in during nap time. But that was always stressful, thinking my jumping around would wake them up. But I persevered!
Then a great friend leant me a Jillian Michaels DVD series that is awesome!
I can hardly believe I can even type this now.
*But I have been working out 6 days a week for the past 12 weeks-only missing one day!*
(disclaimer, I have been stretching this program out and am planning on finishing up in the next 6-ish weeks)
Every day I wake up, I really have the time/energy and 8/10 days I do not feel like I can do it, but I get up and do it-because I know the feeling of not doing it, feels far worse than doing it!

Things that help...
I sleep in my workout clothes..that means all I have to do in the morning is stand up & put my shoes on.
I have a plan...this time around a DVD that I don't have to think about. I just turn it on and go!
I wake up at the same time every single day (with the exception of Sundays..yah for 4:00 church!), but now my body is used to it & I hardly need to set my alarm.
I do it in the morning, so I don't procrastinate about doing it all day long.

The best thing about my plan, is I don't have to add driving somewhere to my workout time, I can workout in my PJs if I want, even if I am breathing heavier than Jillian!! ha ha!

So not to boast...but it's amazing how much joy you can get from exercise!
Now to keep going...and stay motivated!

Monday, June 3, 2013

the brunette & the blonde

clearly I am not a blogger...I had all intention of posting for 30 days about things that make me happy.
But then..I got tired.
So maybe I should say "my next 30 posts" will be about things that make me happy.
Because clearly I have a fear of commitment with this blog :)

Post 2: Things that make me happy.

My girls. Noel Mae & Mila Eve
They are the light of my days.
They are so full of energy-they steal all of mine.
They never cease to amaze (good or bad) the things they do, they say.
They make me laugh, make me cry (in joy and exhaustion, in love and frustration).
But they are my whole heart.
They are beautiful & smart & funny & spunky.
My little babies :)

Being a mom is intense. ALL THINGS INTENSE
Intense love
Intense commitment
Intense fatigue
Intense joy

I could go on an on, but really I barely have time to type this super quick post because, well, I'm a mom of 2 children age 3 & 22 months.

Since having kids I forget what it's like to have a decent conversation on the phone, or eat a meal at peace, or socialize at a party or event. Or talk to my husband?? -at least before 9:30pm. I never stop picking up things around the house, or changing outfits, or doing dishes.
...or giving hugs, or kisses, or reading books, or singing

my girls make me happy :)