The Pursuit of Green

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


As much as I would like to be writing about some eco-green, amazing thing we have been up to lately, so that I may say that I have been living up to my pursuit.
But if I am going to be honest, I don't think we have done anything *green* in a while.  Unless re-stocking our green cleaning supplies....what a big move right?!
We DIY'd a bunch of Christmas gifts that I had all intention of blogging about, but since starting this blog I feel my priorities have shifted a bit.
MUST have something to do with growing 2 small people.

I will say we are still doing cloth diapers, and with both girls. (go green!)

But really in this post I want to talk about fruition.
Fruition as by google definition is: "the point at which a plan or project is realized
Wow, talk about not giving this word enough justice!

My quick come to the fruit! So think of it this way. You have this tiny tiny little seed (lets call it hope). You plant it, in which you hope is good soil. Sometimes soil looks good to start and then gets dry or overwatered. Basically you can plan for good soil, but circumstance (or neglect) can change what was intended to be good. But you always remember that little seed, even though you haven't seen it in a while and it's now almost seems lost buried beneath the dark black soil.  But you know it's there [faith].
So you nurture it, you care for it the best you can...of course only some comes from nurture the other part nature (my philosophy anyway).
But then finally what feels sometimes like see a tiny little GREEN sprout!
Oh the life!!! And then...that little sprout seems to take an eternity to turn into a stem, a leaf...but without you hardly even realizing the centimeters it gains, there you have a stem...a stem strong enough to hold a bud!
And now the bud grows and grows and opens up to a flower...a fruit!!

I feel like we have been through this growth, new life, growing life. Some of it hard, some of it teaching us something, some of it amazing. But when you've been seeing good for a while, it's like you could almost be satisfied with the stem and leaves and then......fruit!
God is so good.

Not saying we're there, or when or what kind of fruit we're growing...but some days it feels like we have enormous buds of potential fruit just waiting to burst open.

God is so good.

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