The Pursuit of Green

Monday, October 10, 2011

my love of pinterest

If I haven't already gotten you addicted, maybe this will convince you.

I love love love reading the Young House Love blog. I never followed a blog until this one, and it's mostly still the only blog I do follow. They have so many DIY ideas, they are so great for explaining what they do and how they do it and give you the confidence to try things on your own.  I mention them now because it is this blog that introduced me to my new love....Pinterest...(imagine an affectionate sigh).

Of course I did not say that it's my first love (note to Keith as he will be analyzing my every word), but a love I do have :)

If you already know of Pinterest and share this love then you will know what I speak of.

First of all I really don't even know how to say it. I first thought it was P-interest, but now I say all one word pinterest. which makes sense because you are "pinning" ideas onto your own "boards"

It's the solution to finding ideas online or in magazines or from your friends when you think, "oh I want to try that" or "I like that" or "I want to cook that" but then you miss place the recipe the picture of the sweater, or that clever DIY project.

So the purpose of my post is not only to proclaim my love for this "social network" of sorts...sorry facebook you have moved WAY down the priority list!!!

But also to make myself feel less guilty for pinning all the time to share with you the fact that we have accomplished a lot of the projects that I've been pinning
p.s. since I only discovered pinterest in the recent past, these things have all been done while being VERY pregnant or with a new born..yah!

So go to My Pinterest Boards to check out the 'things' I'm pinning and "follow" me if you would like.

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