The Pursuit of Green

Saturday, March 5, 2011

big "plans"

Here we are moving right ahead into spring!
I love spring, it gets my blood flowing and my brain running wild with decorating ideas. Spring cleaning, is it sick that I actually look forward to this a bit? But there is something so therapeutic about getting rid of the old and making room for the new...or just enjoying less of the old. Either way *sigh* it gets me excited!

Noel is getting soo close to her 1st how the time has flown! As we get ready for this new milestone, we are also getting ready to re-live it all again! If you didn't catch already in our recent facebook updates, we are expecting #2!!...#2 is also what we are affectionately referring to as new baby :)
This was our Christmas surprise. After a good week of 'shock' and confirmed blood tests we found ourselves making Noel a big sister.  We didn't know how far along we were as I was still nursing Noel (hence lack of monthly indicator), so we had to hold out for a good 2 weeks until we could get an ultra sound to find out. @ the ultra sound we found that we were 10 1/2 weeks along, so we zipped right through the first trimester without hardly blinking! Of course once reality set in we became very excited for our coming second bundle of joy :) We are due August 2nd, however a c-section will be scheduled at 39 weeks. so our babes will be about 15 1/2 months apart! :)

Anyway with all of these coming changes mean some MAJOR physical changes around the house (not just my belly size)! One of which is the fact that I currently consume the entire closet it our "master" bedroom and Keith consumes the closet it our current guest bedroom. Well being that we live in a 3 bedroom house, Keith is going to be getting kicked out of this nice organized closet (to make room for Noel's new room) and have the dreaded privilege of sharing a closet with me! For those of you who do not know my husband well, he is a bit OCD about his closet/clothing organization. (i.e. remove a shirt from a hanger and he will know which shirt is missing just by telling him it's the 5th hanger on the right side). My closet on the other hand is a place where all my clothes get thrown :( Bless his heart, so far in our almost 5 years of marriage he has not had to share a closet with me yet, as our last 3 homes did not force us to do so.
Priority #1 Get rid of some clothes! and create a nice built in his/hers closet in our tiny "master" bedroom!..yah! so we'll still share the big closet in the room and then each have a little closet to ourselves..ahh you can just hear Keith sigh in some relief! I'll get the in's and out of that up here once we get started on those...but first..we paint! the fun part of moving & redecorating our room, since we have done ZIP to it since moving in! silly to make built ins before we just picked up paint.."filtered shade" by Valspar. We really wanted to use no VOC Olympic paint (keeping to our green roots, which are a bit brown from winter!) however we could not get the same color, so after some debate, and the reality that the pregnant wife probably wouldn't be doing much painting anyway, wrangling after our almost walker... we went with the valspar that we have used in the past and really liked.

Then came the hours...literal HOURS of searching for a new duvet cover..fellow americans apparently aren't really into the whole duvet vibe as I had a horrible time finding one!!! I probably logged about 24 hours of online shopping, hoping around town, looking out of town to find nothing..well nothing under $100 bucks..which was NOT our price range.
But then BINGO a duvet cover that I had loved from West Elm (that was originally out of stock and only available on ebay for $180!!!) was back on their site AND on sale for $59..better yet, I scored a 15% off presidents day sale and knocked it down to $50! woohoo..although because I was online shopping I had to chalk up $11 for shipping..oh well still a great price (@ $65 after tax & shipping) for what I had been seeing! No shams available but oh well I could easily find some gray and yellow pillows to match our simply patterned cream and gray duvet!
Then a week goes by and UPS doesn't know where our package is?!! So I call west elm, no problem they would get it shipped right out, somehow I got missed! Then, same day, checking online to show a friend my sweet score to find that now the shams were available and even on sale for $14 each..awesome!! So I quickly called west elm to see if my cheapo talking would score us some free shipping in hopes that they could ship them together. That's when I got sent to "customer service." I was then informed that they 'oversold' the duvet and did not even have that to send out to me...UGH..SIGH...I already pictured more hours of searching!!..then this wonderful man (Scott) tells me, oh they are showing available in the California and Florida stores, lets see if they have one they can ship to you..sure enough they did! AND it was on sale @ the store for $39!!!..and the shams on sale for $10...could this get any better!?! OH YES! Scott nicely reimbursed my shipping for the duvet for the mix up, and then upon ordering the shams they also nixed my shipping for having a hard time! so now I scored the duvet AND shams for $65 after tax and ZERO shipping..a savings of almost $100 buckaroos in the long run!! yah!! I *heart* West Elm!!
So the hours of searching and talking really saved us a HUGE chunk of green..and all the materials are organic cotton..ahh sweet victory!

So we will be happy to show you some nice before and after shots after all our hard laboring! as soon as we officially get started.

Then it will be on to redecorating and moving little Miss into her new room...and then..some new nursery planning!! yah!!

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