The Pursuit of Green

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Winter=Lack of Green

I never realized, well probably sort of, how much time I would need to make this blog good, at the very least up to date and interesting!
Whew...time has flown and I haven't had a new post in months, and as I follow my other blogs I become envious in their ease of words, their poetic writing and so many interesting topics..ahh..someday!
We have been SO slacking on making any new green updates in our lives in recent months, but I guess that's where the reality of this pursuit comes into play.
As we sadly watch our money pour into our oil tank this chilly winter and everything in sight is white, my motivation is somewhat lacking to say the least.

However we do have some BIG changes coming our way, some shifting/redecorating (woohoo!), some growing, some major financial decisions! YIKES! and this is my sincere promise to get more info up here as life makes some changes around here!

But here are some simple things we're TRYING to do to make our 1920's drafty house SLIGHTLY more efficient this winter.
We are turning the thermostat down at EVERY chance. When we step out the door, when we crawl under our warm down comforter (we did purchase a small energy start/safe space heater for Noel's sleep time :).
Also keeping blinds and curtains shut at most windows..arg! our drafty windows. God grant us new energy efficient windows!

But I am sad to say that is really all we have done..ahh there is the slap of green guilt :0/
But this is all about the off we go this part I guess is uphill!

So I'll mark this my accountability post to keep more updated!

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