The Pursuit of Green

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

working out

Post 3: Things that make me happy

I read somewhere, probably on Pinterest...

"I never regret doing it, but I always regret not doing it."

This is exactly what motivates me each morning.

Some of my motivators.

  • The way I feel after a workout
  • The fact I have a healthy body that is capable of working out
  • Boosts all kinds of happy brain chemicals
  • Being an example for my kids (even though I am asked why I work out in my PJs when the other fit people on my DVD are wearing cute spandex-or why I am breathing so hard)
  • Understanding my athletes @ work

just to name a few.

It had been a while since I had worked out. From the 9-ish months of trying to have baby one, each month not knowing if there was a baby and how much activity I could do.
Then there was of course, pregnancy & lack of energy from nursing...then SURPRISE we were almost 3 months pregnant & I was nursing (aha moment of why I had no energy).
So then...pregnancy & nursing again.
Then having two infants and trying to find a time or even a place to work out.
The gym cost money-and I surely pay enough in student loans to know I have the background to do my own planning.

So came January, a time of renewing ourselves. I will hesitate to call this a resolution, but maybe it was.
I decided I was going to do something, because a little something was better than nothing!

So here is what I have finally found works for me.
I began by finding some great exercises from Pinterest & from personal experience of working out in the past-oh and that I have a degree in exercise science helps :)
From Jan-March I did this about 3 times/week. Waking up before the girls-which was NOT easy & did not always work. Therefore I sometimes squeezed this in during nap time. But that was always stressful, thinking my jumping around would wake them up. But I persevered!
Then a great friend leant me a Jillian Michaels DVD series that is awesome!
I can hardly believe I can even type this now.
*But I have been working out 6 days a week for the past 12 weeks-only missing one day!*
(disclaimer, I have been stretching this program out and am planning on finishing up in the next 6-ish weeks)
Every day I wake up, I really have the time/energy and 8/10 days I do not feel like I can do it, but I get up and do it-because I know the feeling of not doing it, feels far worse than doing it!

Things that help...
I sleep in my workout clothes..that means all I have to do in the morning is stand up & put my shoes on.
I have a plan...this time around a DVD that I don't have to think about. I just turn it on and go!
I wake up at the same time every single day (with the exception of Sundays..yah for 4:00 church!), but now my body is used to it & I hardly need to set my alarm.
I do it in the morning, so I don't procrastinate about doing it all day long.

The best thing about my plan, is I don't have to add driving somewhere to my workout time, I can workout in my PJs if I want, even if I am breathing heavier than Jillian!! ha ha!

So not to boast...but it's amazing how much joy you can get from exercise!
Now to keep going...and stay motivated!

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