So it has come to this. Do you ever sit down and realize how much you turn a simple habit into something that you must do over and over again, simply out of routine rather than reason?
With the new year and new lists and goals...came things I couldn't control to change. Waiting for a full-time job.
I have been waiting what feels like centuries for a full-time job. Actually...let's back track some.
Senior year of college you start to realize, this is it! Your blank slate of what you want to be when you grow up is now filled with lots of LONG hours of studying and almost a a field that's at least somewhat specific to what your going to do in reality.
For me, it gave me doubts, is this really what I want to do? now that I don't have as many options?
Of course you can always change-but does that mean starting all over? you push through, you finish, you graduate! Hooray!
My first gig as an athletic trainer was as a graduate assistant at the University I attended, while getting my Master's degree from another State University about 4 hours away, online. It was great, and I loved it! It made me remember why I loved being an athletic trainer, why I loved working in sports medicine.
That was a one year deal while I completed my degree and then I moved on to a high school position-let's make this a short story.
This was not my calling. As much as I loved working with the athletes, the hours (opposite of that of my teacher husband) were very trying for me and were making my life outside of work unenjoyable to say the least. God made it very clear at the end of this school year, that this was not where I was going to be the next year. There was a contract change with the school district and my employer -and I was gone. This was a GOOD thing!
I spent 6 months trying to rediscover what my passions were, what I wanted in a job-of course the whole time applying for job in a small town without a lot of opportunity. I battled the "your over qualified for this position, and we need someone that will be here long term" or "you don't have quite the right experience for this position." Then finally....FINALLY I got a job as an office assistant in a family physician office. It was a temporary position for them, as someone was out for surgery. So it met a need for them, and for me. It was a great experience. I got to work with a different type of medicine and reminded me what I loved. Working with people to help them feel and get better, to be able to do the things they loved to do. They ended up keeping me on per diem.
Not so long after being there I started working as a per diem athletic trainer in a nearby hospital as a clinical athletic trainer. This was the best of both worlds, it was working in a clinical setting like the office assistant job, but being able to use my education and be back working with physically active patients!
All the more setting the scene of what I was passionate about doing.
Then I took a leap....I was going to go back and take the classes I needed to apply to PA (Physician Assistant) school. AND more importantly I DID IT!!!
I LOVED my classes Microbio and Genetics being my favorites...crazy enough I even loved statistics!
Through this we became (planned) pregnant with our little peanut! It was a crazy crazy time! Keith was working on his Masters, I was working 2 jobs, teaching health classes at the YMCA, talking extra college classses, pregnant-including morning sickness, indescribable fatigue, and then we went through the process and bought our first home & MOVED!
All of that taught me a lot, A LOT! and through it all we decided that it wasn't right (at least not yet) to apply to PA school. I felt like my passions had shifted some-and if I were going to do this, I would need to do it with EVERYTHING I had.
God's timing is perfect..April 13, 2010 we welcomed our new baby..everything we had been doing (outside of Keith getting his Master's) had ended, except for my per diem ATC gig. leaving some things out here...I have been home with my now, 2 sweet girls for over 2.5 years with Noel and a year and a half with Mila, and it has been amazing, hard, rewarding, depressing, loving, frustrating, incredible, and disappointing...and I could go on and on.
But now lingering in the balance is a chance for me to be full-time at my current job. The job that I love, love love. And the timing, well the timing seems perfect. But it's been months of hoping, with nothing official I wait...
It's completely out of my control...
I've decided that in a time of waiting, sometimes God calls us to fast, so that we can switch our focus, be focused on what He is saying to us-rid distractions!
So comes...facebook...I do, in fact enjoy facebook. I love keeping up with people, to be social, to post my thoughts.
But for now..facebook is on vacation until I get an answer or at least clarity about what is going on with my career. It's been a long time coming...and though things seem good..there will be transition. So it needs prayer. So for now..adios facebook...and we'll catch up later!
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