The Pursuit of Green

Friday, October 28, 2011

homemade halloween

It has been a brutal week around here with stuffy/snotty noses and cutting 4 canine teeth which all in turns in lack of sleep for all...except Moose who somehow gets a win win situation. No disturbed sleep for him and as soon as one of us is out of bed he takes that as his cue to hop in and cuddle up to the lucky one still in bed.
Then it occurs to me on Thursday night...yes..yesterday that it's Hallelujah night (a Halloween celebration, think bouncy house, games, & candy!) at church Friday, yes...the NEXT day! and Noel does not have a costume!!! YIKES!
Then starts the debate in my head after lack of sleep Thursday night..who am I kidding, lack of sleep ALL week!

Is it worth getting both girls out of the house by myself to pick up the needed supplies to make a costume???

Will I even realistically have the time to get the costume made???

Will all the stars naps align that I can have such time to assemble a homemade costume???

Is my teething, snot nosed 18 month old even going to feel up to going to this outing???

YES, YES, YES...and if I say YES to the first 3 questions...the 4th is going to be a yes after going to all the work!

But really it's ALL worth it because someday I would regret looking back and thinking that we skipped Noel's 2nd halloween costume...hence an hour and a half of prep to get out of the house, 2 hours spent @ the mall & JoAnn Fabrics, and home to 2 napping girls...viola! we have a costume & we had a great night!
[Mila took the little sister hand-me-down as a lady bug...Noel's costume last year, but I have personally promised her that she will get her own costume next year]

So here's what I did:

My first homemade Halloween costume...makes me feel like a Mommy :)
Happy Halloween Everyone!

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