The Pursuit of Green

Friday, May 10, 2013

my other half

He is my constant reminder that God has great things planned for me,
good gifts to bless me with.

my husband makes my life happier.

sometimes I feel like we get caught up in a world that likes to complain about our spouse. what could they do better, what they are not doing?

are we asking ourselves those same questions for our sig other? or just about them?

communication.  E S S E N T I A L.

when we are rolling we work like an awesome team.

wrangling toddlers, laundry, cleaning...sometimes even painting! (happy mother's day to me :)

it's not perfect, it's relationship. it takes work (sometimes)
he works hard.
he loves our girls.
he cares about me in addition to loving me.
he is my home, no matter where we live.

he is always perfect for me.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


You go through phases in life.
Some you feel energized and motivated
Some you feel tired and exhausted and stuck in a dead end.

I was in number 2 for a while. What could I attribute this to?
toddlers, long winter, busy husband...the list could go on and on and on.....

I finally decided that everyone in my life would be happier, if I were happier.
That meant I needed NEEDED to find a place in my -no time for anything- life, for me, that was just for me!

Looking at my life I thought, I am blessed! I should be happier now than I have ever been.
How do I make the should into am?

There will always be ups and downs through all we go through. and since even starting this draft I have been up & down, but that's life.

For the next 30 days I'm going to blog about things that make me happy!

Here we go!

How waking up early, reading, Jillian Micheals, and YNAB...and lots of other things make me happy...